
Innovative carbon capture for the steel industry

2 March 2022

Governments around the world have implemented decarbonisation goals and legislation to help achieve net zero emissions by 2050 — which means there has never been a better time for steel and other hard-to-abate industries to act. The steel industry in particular can capitalise on technology to capture their emissions and make strides towards net zero.

With CycloneCC™, Carbon Clean is disrupting the market and changing the way the steel industry captures CO2. Watch our latest video to hear Dr James Hall, Head of Research at Carbon Clean, explain how CycloneCC™ can support the decarbonisation of the steel industry.


How does CycloneCC help the steel industry meet the increasingly stringent CO2 emissions regulations?

Responsible for 8% of global carbon emissions, steel plants need to integrate carbon capture to meet emission requirements on the path to net zero. There is no time to waste.

As a modular, prefabricated solution, CycloneCC™ is ready to install upon delivery and can be operational onsite in less than 8 weeks. With CycloneCC™ and our Carbon Capture as a Service business model, steel companies can start their decarbonisation journey today and progressively scale up to achieve their targets over time.

What challenges does CycloneCC™ help the steel industry solve?

There are two key barriers to adoption of conventional carbon capture systems:

  1. Onsite footprint requirements
  2. Cost

We’ve addressed these challenges with our disruptive CycloneCC™ technology. To tackle the footprint requirements, we have developed a 100% modular and scalable system, with a 10 times smaller footprint than conventional options. CycloneCC uses proven technologies to reduce OpEx and CapEx by up to 50%, which brings the cost of capture down to $30/tonne.

What technologies does CycloneCC™ use and why are they more beneficial compared to other carbon capture technologies?

CycloneCC™ is a breakthrough combination of two technologies: Carbon Clean's advanced, proprietary APBS-CDRMax® solvent and a novel process technology called rotating packed beds (RPB). This integrated solution reduces costs up to 50% with a 10 times smaller footprint, making it the optimal solution for decarbonising the steel industry.

Which steel players have already partnered with Carbon Clean?

Carbon Clean has recently designed and commissioned India’s first blast furnace carbon capture plant with Tata Steel to capture 5 tonnes of CO2 per day. However, this is just the beginning and CycloneCC is set to disrupt the market even further.

What are the financial benefits a steel plant has from implementing CycloneCC™ and when can they start implementing it?

The mission of CycloneCC™ is to bring the cost of carbon capture down to $30 per tonne through the combination of breakthrough technologies. CycloneCC™ makes CCUS a competitive option for steel plants on the path to decarbonisation. It also provides the opportunity to participate in the circular carbon economy. We are now commercialising CycloneCC™, expecting final product rollout by summer 2023.

Begin your carbon capture journey with Carbon Clean

Is CycloneCC™ the carbon capture solution you've been looking for? Download our eBook 'CycloneCC™: Introducing the world's smallest industrial carbon capture technology' to learn more. We'll explain how the technology works — and how the steel industry can take action now.

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